
Shadi Esnaashari Esnaashari, S., Gardner, L. A., & Rehm, M. (2025). Students’ Perceptions of Educational Tool Use in a Blended Learning Environment: An Activity Theory Perspective. Communications of the Association for Information Systems Journal.
Joseph Forte Forte, J. (Fall 2025). Let’s do the math: Construct-focused RAD research for greater pedagogical self-awareness. Composition Forum.


Awards and Honors

Nusaybah Abu-Mulaweh Community-based Learning Grant, Center for Social Concern, Johns Hopkins University

Delta Grant, Office of the Provost, Johns Hopkins University

Engaged Scholar Faculty and Community Partner Fellow, Center for Social Concern, Johns Hopkins University

Campus as a Living Lab Grant, Office of Sustainability, Johns Hopkins University

Alissa Burkholder Murphy Campus as a Living Lab Grant, Office of Sustainability, Johns Hopkins University
Mary Clare Coghlan Outstanding Guidance and Mentorship to Students Award, University Experiential Learning, Johns Hopkins University
Mary Clare Coghlan, Jenna Frye, Tiffany Sanchez, and Mia Russell Culture Ignite Lab Grant, Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Johns Hopkins University
Cara Dickason Timothy Shary Award for Best Essay in Children’s and Youth Media and Cultural Studies, Society for Cinema and Media Studies
Jenna Frye Visiting Artist Grant, KID Museum
Casey Hansen Certified Public Accountant License
Mia Russell Leader Award, Maryland Association of Family and Consumer Sciences
Pam Sheff Capers and Marion McDonald Award for Excellence in Mentoring and Advising
Elizabeth Walker Generative AI Teaching as Research (GAITAR) Grant, Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence and Educational Innovation, Carnegie Mellon University

NETI-1 workshop, National Effective Teaching Institute, University of San Diego (sponsored by the Whiting School of Engineering and the Center for Student Success)


Cara Dickason “Watching Women: Surveillance and Spectatorship in Early Science Fiction Television.” Camera Obscura Vol 39, Issue 1 (May 2024)
Shadi Esnaashari Barthakur, A., Marrone, R., Esnaashari, S., Kovanovic, V., & Dawson, S. (2024). A systematic review of studies on decision-making systems for teaching and learning in K-12. Proceedings of the Nineteenth European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, Krems, Austria.
Ryan Hearty and Amanda Hilliard Hilliard, Amanda Dawn, and Ryan Hearty. “Empowering Engineers: Enhancing Communication Skills through a Technical Communication Lab.” In Proceedings of the 2024 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. Portland, OR: ASEE, 2024. https://peer.asee.org/empowering-engineers-enhancing-communication-skills-through-a-technical-communication-lab.
Mia Russell Zuccarolli, I., & Russell, M. (2024). Testing the health and wealth desert model with GIS data: A case study of Baltimore, MD. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences

Russell, M. B., & Zuccaroli, I. (2024). Is empowerment enough? Exploring lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 00, 1–16. https://doi.org/10.1111/fcsr.12508


Awards and Honors

Nusaybah Abu-Mulaweh Engaged Scholar Faculty and Community Partner Fellow, Center for Social Concern, Johns Hopkins University
Ryan Hearty Hearty, Ryan. “Visualizing Pollution: Representations of Biological Data in Water Pollution Control in the United States, 1948–1962.” Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 46, no. 2–3 (September 2023): 206–32. https://doi.org/10.1002/bewi.202200049.
Mia Russell Best Paper Award: Fear and trust in financial institutions: A content analysis. Academy of Financial Services (Team Award: White, K., Russell, M., Chawla, I., & DeVaney, S.)
Elizabeth Walker Howard L. Ellin Presidential Teaching Fellowship, Carnegie Mellon University


Mary Clare Coghlan, Andy Ross, and Mia Russell Coghlan, M. C., Ross, A. B., & Russell, M. B. (2023). Why Fear Crushes Your Culture. Chapter in Organizational Behavior: Negative Aspects, edited by Kivanc Bozkus. IntechOpen. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1001049
Cara Dickason “Consensual Sexual Selfies: Everyday Exposure in Teen Girl Media.” Feminist Media Studies. (February 6, 2023). https://doi.org/10.1080/14680777.2023.2171085
Illysa Izenberg and Mia Russell Russell, M, Izenberg, I; Agronin, M; & Jain, A (2023, June), The Complete Engineer: How the Whiting School’s Engineering Management & Leadership Course Complements Senior Design. Paper accepted for presentation at 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Baltimore, MD
Shadi Esnaashari Esnaashari, S., Gardner, L. A., Arthanari, T. S., & Rehm, M. (2023). Unfolding selfregulated learning profiles of students: A longitudinal study. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 39(4), 1116-1131.

Esnaashari, S., Gardner, L., Rehm, M., Arthanari, T., & Filippova, O. (2023). A comparison of the predictability of final scores for freshmen and upper-level students in blended learning courses. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 13(4), 673-683.

Eric Rice and Bill Smedick Smedick and e.rice. Chapter on United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in graduate leadership education. Volume 2023, Issue 179. New Directions for Student Leadership (NDSL) focused on the UN Sustainable Development Goals
Mia Russell Chawla, I., Russell, M. B., White, K. J., & DeVaney, S. A. (2023). Fear and trust in financial institutions: A content analysis. Financial Services Review, 31(2&3), 211-228

Russell, M., Stewart, B. L. & Brooks, L. (2023). Advancing gender equality and women’s leadership capacity: Mentoring, networking, training. Advancing Women in Leadership Journal. 42, 88-97. https://awl-ojs-tamu.tdl.org/awl/article/view/439

Stewart, B., Roofe, N., Holden, J., Russell, M., Ravola, M., Brooks, L., & Coots, E. L. (2023). Outcomes of the AAFCS Leadership Academy to Enhance Professional Leadership Qualifications. Journal of Family & Consumer Sciences, 115(2), 7-14


Awards and Honors

Alissa Burkholder Murphy Robert B. Pond, Sr. Excellence in Teaching Award, Johns Hopkins University

Engaged Scholar Faculty and Community Partner Fellow, Center for Social Concern, Johns Hopkins University

Ryan Hearty Everett Mendelsohn Prize, Journal of the History of Biology
Illysa Izenberg, Leslie Kendrick, and Trevor Mackesey Best Paper Award in Multidisciplinary Engineering Division, ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition
Andy Ross Community-Based Learning Faculty Fellow, Center for Social Concern, Johns Hopkins University


Shadi Esnaashari Esnaashari, S., Gardner, L., Arthanari, T., Rehm, M., & Filippova, O. (2022). Impact of Motivation and Strategy Use on Performance in a Blended Learning Course. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 22(9).

Esnaashari, S., Gardner, L., & Rehm, M. (2022). Exploring the Cyclical Nature of Self-Regulation in Blended Learning: A Longitudinal Study. International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2022 Proceedings, 3.

Illysa Izenberg, Leslie Kendrick, and Trevor Mackesey Izenberg, I. & Marra, S., & Mackesey, T.  & Kendrick, L., & Bernstein, J., (2022, August), Industry Assessment of Multidisciplinary Teamwork Skills Paper presented at 2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Minneapolis, MN. https://strategy.asee.org/40388.
Andy Ross Ross, Andrew. “‘Behold!’: Visual Mediation in William Bartram’s Travels.” The Attention of a Traveller: Essays on William Bartram’s Travels, edited by Kathryn Braund. University of Alabama Press. pp. 153-68.

Ozbolt, Alex, James Wolf, and Andrew B. Ross. “’Writing the Watershed’: The Place of Bioregional Pedagogy and Student Grant Writing in a Community-Based Professional Writing Course.” Open Words: Access and English Studies, vol 14, no. 1, December 2022, pp. 54-72. DOI: 10.37514/OPW-J.2022.14.1.04.

Mia Russell Russell, M., & Liggans, G. (2022, August 22). Fired Up!: A guide to transforming your team from burnout to engagement. Berlin, DE: De Gruyter.

Duncan, J., Holland, J. M., Russell, M. B., Saboe-Wounded, L., & Spangler, A. (2022). Truth or consequences: Advancing equity in family and consumer sciences in the United States. International Journal of Home Economics, 15(1), 70-89.

Stewart, B. L., Byrd, S., Roofe, N., Russell, M. B., Ravola, M., & Brooks, L. (2022). A Decade of the AAFCS Leadership Academy: Preparing Leaders for AAFCS and the Profession. Journal of Family & Consumer Sciences, 114(4), 43-51.

Russell, M.B., Holland, J., Smith, C., & Drakeford, J. (2022). Affiliates that work: Engaging student members. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 114(4). http://dx.doi.org/10.14307/JFCS114.4.52

Russell, M. B., Head, L. S.-W., Wolfe-Enslow, K., Holland, J., & Zimmerman, N. (2022). The COVID-19 Effect: How Student Financial Well-Being, Needs Satisfaction, and College Persistence has Changed. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/15210251221133767


Awards and Honors

Mia Russell Outstanding Symposium Poster Award: Staying Committed – College and COVID-19: The Role of Financial Well-being, Needs Satisfaction, and College Persistence. Association for Financial Counseling & Planning Education (Team Award: Russell, M., Saboe-Wounded Head, L., Wolfe-Enslow, K., Holland, J., & Zimmerman, N.).


Awards and Honors

Alissa Burkholder Murphy Nominee, Outstanding Advisor Award for work with Engineers Without Borders, Leadership Engagement and Experiential Development, Johns Hopkins University
Illysa Izenberg Robert B. Pond, Sr. Excellence in Teaching Award, Johns Hopkins University


Joseph Forte Forte, J. (2020). The fox and the OWL: Pedagogical lessons from a real-world fake news controversy. In E. Carillo & A. Horning (Eds.), Teaching critical reading and writing in the era of fake news. Peter Lang.
Ryan Hearty Hearty, Ryan. “Redefining Boundaries: Ruth Myrtle Patrick’s Ecological Program at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 1947–1975.” Journal of the History of Biology 53, no. 4 (December 2020): 587–630. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10739-020-09622-5.
Bill Smedick Smedick, Bill and Gayle Spencer. “CAS Standards for Campus Activities Programs: A review of the Contextual Statement and Standards”. The Journal of Campus Activities Practice and Scholarship” Volume 2 Issue 1 Spring 2020.