CLE assists students in gaining hands-on experience by sponsoring internships for academic credit. Senior Lecturer Leslie Kendrick serves as the internship coordinator, guiding students through the process of seeking sponsorship for internships in the summer, fall, or spring semester.
Sponsored students have completed internships in finance, marketing, communications, development, and data analytics at over 100 companies, including these local firms:
- The Baltimore Symphony Orchestra
- UnderArmour
- Fila
- The Baltimore Orioles
- Morgan Stanley
- Brown Advisory
- JMI Equity
- T. Rowe Price
- The World Trade Center Institute
- Port Discovery
How it Works
Hopkins grants academic credit for approved internships. All internships must be sponsored by a full-time faculty member.
We require all students to apply for sponsorship. Submitting an application does not guarantee the Center’s sponsorship, even if you have already secured an internship. An overall G.P.A. of 3.0 and at least one course that relates to the internship’s focus (i.e. Identifying and Capturing Markets for a marketing internship) are strongly suggested prior to applying.
Please find the Internship Sponsorship application and sponsorship guidelines below.
Once approved, both interns and supervisors will be required to complete a mid-term and final report over the course of the semester (links below).
International students have additional documentation to complete for the university in order to be sponsored for internship credit. Email us at [email protected] for more information.
All students seeking internship sponsorship through CLE must submit an application, cover letter, resume, and unofficial transcript by the appropriate deadline. This includes students who seek assistance in finding an internship as well as those who have already secured internships on their own. Internship credit is not provided retroactively.
The application must be submitted with a cover letter, resume, and unofficial transcript.
Internship Application Deadlines
End of the 5th week of the semester (for self-arranged internships)
The internship should be a valuable learning experience that is worthy of university credit. The following guidelines are designed to monitor this experience and ensure that the University will accept the internship for credit toward your degree.
Serious commitment. Students are expected to treat the internship as a serious course commitment, which is graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis. If the work performed is inadequate, the student will receive an unsatisfactory grade.
1 credit. One credit will be awarded for satisfactory completion of the internship.
6 credits per year. JHU policy limits credit for independent academic work to a maximum of 6 per academic year, which begins in the summer. This includes any independent study or research you are completing through your home department.
40 hours. The minimum requirement is 40 hours of work experience. Based on the job description, however, a higher number of work hours may be required. Many firms require 80-120 hours or more. This amount will be agreed upon by the intern, supervisor and Leslie Kendrick prior to starting, and successful completion of those hours is required to earn 1 credit.
Supervisor. Internship supervisors will be provided with two evaluation templates that allow them to evaluate their intern’s performance at the mid-point and end of the internship.
Reports. Interns are required to write a mid-term report and final report. Pending your acceptance, you will be provided with the detailed requirements for each report.
Interning again. Students may intern at a company more than once and receive academic credit provided they work in a different position and/or department.
Withdrawal. Applicants who are accepted and receive a placement are making a commitment to complete their responsibilities. Students who decide to withdraw for a non-valid reason after they have started working or those who fail to give their employer adequate notice will not be allowed to apply a second time. Please be certain that you will be able to satisfactorily complete the requirements before starting work.
CLE works closely with the Life Design Lab to aid current students and alumni in all aspects of career planning. Please visit the Life Design Lab for expert guidance and resources.
CLE faculty also mentor students seeking career advice. We leverage our personal and professional experience and networks to help students figure out what they want to do and how to get there. For example, we can put students in touch with alums, connect them with employers, provide mentors in the field, and guide them through practicums or other experiential activities or classes that lead to jobs. We are also a resource for recommendation letters for employment and/or graduate school.
Send us an email at [email protected] or stop by our Whitehead Hall offices if we can be of assistance.