Summer 2017

A Boost from Amazon At WSE

The Alexa Fund Fellowship will support a doctoral student in the Johns Hopkins Center for Language and Speech Processing who will mentor students in a master’s degree program that focuses on human language technology.

Start This Up At WSE

FastForward 1812 is the latest addition to a rapidly growing and increasingly vibrant startup scene that is helping to bring life-changing products, services, and technologies to market—and to revitalize Baltimore’s economy.

Toward Better Pharmaceuticals At WSE

Producing drugs in living systems has given new hope for treating diseases for which there were previously no effective therapies.

Kudos At WSE

Recent awards and honors earned by Whiting School of Engineering researchers.

Healing Games At WSE

The Kata Therapeutic Table will allow students, faculty members, and staff members to help Johns Hopkins Hospital patients recover from stroke and brain injury.

Priming the STEM Pump At WSE

Elementary school children in grades three through five across Baltimore City have been receiving specialized instruction in STEM, thanks to a partnership between the city schools and Johns Hopkins’ schools of Engineering and Education

The Heart as Art At WSE

Farhad Pashakhanloo, PhD ’16, spent more than 60 hours creating an image of a human heart, which has been chosen to grace the cover of Nature Reviews Cardiology every month for the next year.

Reversing the Loss of Sight Impact

A trio of Johns Hopkins researchers is close to improving vision care for millions of people who suffer from degenerative retinal diseases.

Molecular Bridge Building Impact

In a microscopic feat that resembled a high-wire circus act, a Whiting School team has coaxed DNA nanotubes to assemble themselves into bridgelike structures arched between two molecular landmarks on the surface of a lab dish.

Solving Climate Change Conundrums Impact

If there’s anything that’s certain about the effects of climate change, says Ben Hobbs, it’s how much is still uncertain.

Equipping Microscopic Warriors Impact

A five-member team from the Whiting School and School of Medicine is setting out to design and test self-directed microscopic warriors that can locate and neutralize dangerous strains of bacteria.

Honing Breast Cancer Detection Impact

Every year, nearly 1.6 million breast cancer biopsies are performed in the United States and close to 250,000 new breast cancers are diagnosed. But the technique is fraught with errors.

Upstarts: The Buzz on Disease Prevention Impact

Mechanical engineer Rajat Mittal is teaming up with researchers at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute to use sound to repel flying pests.

Upstarts: A Pill With Promise Impact

A Baltimore-based startup company founded by three Johns Hopkins alumni is developing a promising pill that researchers say can provide the same benefits as bariatric surgery.

Behold the Cockroach Impact

The lowly cockroach has long been vilified as a spreader of disease and a marker of filth and squalor. But Chen Li, assistant professor of mechanical engineering, is studying them to improve the way robots navigate.

Not So Meaningless Impact

The spotlight in baseball tends to fall on the clutch moment, the final inning, the key at-bat with the game on the line. But players also reveal themselves when the team’s got little to gain or lose.

Trending Impact

Notable quotes and comments from faculty in the Whiting School of Engineering.

Genome Hunters Features

Thanks to dizzying advances in technology, scientists are poised to unlock the secrets of the genome in an ambitious effort to transform the diagnosis and treatment of disease.

When the Sky Light’s the Limit Features

With leaks threatening the books of the 130-year-old George Peabody Library, civil engineer John Matteo and team set out to execute an innovative repair.

Breath of Fresh Air Features

As chair of the newly formed Department of Environmental Health and Engineering, Marsha Wills-Karp is bridging disciplines and campuses.

Breaking the Mold in Orthotics Students

A med-tech startup launched last year by Param Shah and Alex Mathews ’17, aims to develop a faster, cheaper, software-driven alternative to the tedious and costly hand-casting process that still dominates the orthotics industry.

Inspiring a New, Lower-Cost Prosthesis Students

When Bill Haris, MS ’16, first walked into his human-robotics interaction class in 2015, he couldn’t have predicted that this was the moment that would ultimately set him on the path to his current position with the U.S. Navy.

An Innovative Year Students

David Gullotti is the first medical student to enroll in the Whiting School’s Master of Science program in the Center for Bioengineering Innovation and Design, paving the way for a new option for future medical students.

Defining the ‘Gold Standard’ Students

A team of Johns Hopkins computational scientists and cancer experts devised its own bioinformatics software to evaluate how well current strategies identify cancer-promoting mutations and distinguish them from benign mutations in cancer cells.

Think Quick! Students

Since her freshman year, Megumi Chen ’17, has crammed her schedule with engineering, math, and science classes. This semester, though, the applied mathematics and statistics major decided to add something unexpected: an improvisation class.

Being All You Can Be Students

Sean Young ’17 speaks of his experiences in the Blue Jay Battalion of Johns Hopkins’ Army ROTC, which celebrates its 100th birthday this year.

The (Shrimp) Eyes Have It Alumni

Viktor Gruev, MS ’00, PhD ’04, has emulated the mantis shrimp’s visual system to design image sensors for early cancer detection.

Safety in the Skies Alumni

As more aircraft continue to crowd our skies, Ryan Gardner, MSE ’08, PhD ’09, has been focusing on ensuring the effectiveness of the Federal Aviation Administration’s new collision avoidance system.

Sounds of Progress Alumni

Lina Reiss, PhD ’05, is pursuing two avenues of research: a better hybrid cochlear implant and helping people with hearing loss interpret the sounds they can hear.

Hedging Your Bets Alumni

George Sykes ’91 never could have predicted his last 25 years riding the nation’s careening financial markets.

Smart Socks Aim to Avert Amputations Alumni

Ran Ma ’10 is the co-founder of Siren Care, a company that has developed socks that alert wearers with diabetes to foot problems before they become at risk for amputation.

Rewind: Roads to Recovery Alumni

J. Trueman Thompson relied on relief labor to construct a campus road system during the Great Depression.

From the Dean From The Dean

There is no doubt we live in a time of great change. Around the globe, we are seeing major disruptions in politics, economies, industries, and educational institutions.