
Larry Aronhime and Sascha Cocron detail their novel approach to innovation in their article “Back to the future: innovating in times of uncertainty and disruption,” published in NATO Review on May 2.

Their approach focuses on how to address problems that are considered “undefined,” in other words problems that are highly uncertain in nature and far in the future. To anticipate such problems, Aronhime and Cocron have developed a method that involves creating various scenarios that are “significantly different from one another and to recognise that they are not predictions of the future but stories to be explored for disruptive possibilities, without any preconception of their likelihood.”

They use technology recently developed by students in the A. James Clark Scholars program as an example of how their method functions, the Digital Triage Assistant. Students in the Clark Scholars program developed the Digital Triage Assistant, a “wearable device that locates injured soldiers and communicates the severity of their injuries to combat medics,” in collaboration with NATO and students at the Czech Technical University.

Read more about Aronhime and Cocron’s innovation methodology and the Digital Triage Assistant at NATO Review.