Winter 2018

Innovation, With Unlimited Caffeine At WSE

Just a few blocks from tree-lined Homewood campus, in Baltimore’s trendy Remington neighborhood, Johns Hopkins University has opened FastForward R. House, its second major innovation space in six months.

Expanding STEM in Baltimore Schools At WSE

In collaboration with Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore City Public Schools has adopted a program to strengthen STEM instruction in the district’s elementary schools.

Changing Environments At WSE

Andrew Feinberg ’73, MD ’76, MPH ’81, recently finished his first semester teaching at the Whiting School and he says “it’s been a fantastic adventure.”

Kudos At WSE

Recent awards and accomplishments of Johns Hopkins Engineering faculty.

New Leaders At WSE

Johns Hopkins Engineering recognizes new leadership in the Center for Leadership Education and the Departments of Biomedical Engineering, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering.

Next-Gen Undergrads At WSE

Johns Hopkins Engineering is committed to increasing opportunities for women and other underrepresented groups to pursue education and careers in engineering. Here’s a snapshot of where the undergraduate population stands as of fall 2017.

23andMe for Trees At WSE

Johns Hopkins researchers are part of an ambitious plan to fully sequence the coast redwood and giant sequoia genomes for the first time.

Putting the Brakes on Cancer Impact

A team led by Johns Hopkins researchers has discovered a biochemical signaling process that causes densely packed cancer cells to break away from a tumor and spread the disease elsewhere in the body.

Charting the Connectome Impact

In an early step toward mapping how all animal brains work, Carey E. Priebe has joined an international team of neuroscientists to create a complete map of the learning and memory center of the fruit fly larva brain.

A Gilded Future? Impact

Johns Hopkins Engineering researchers are borrowing from the ancient Egyptian tradition of gilding to make fuel cells and other renewable energy technologies cheaper, better, and more sustainable.

Slowing Ebola’s Spread Impact

Could a tiny protein make the deadly Ebola virus more contagious? The answer appears to be yes.

Upstarts: For Heartburn…And More Impact

Patients with chronic acid reflux and other esophageal issues run an increased risk
of cancer. But biopsies are cumbersome, with dozens of slices that are frequently inconclusive.

Upstarts: A Better Blood Test? Impact

Johns Hopkins researchers are working to develop sensors that will eventually “see” what’s in blood samples in a similar way to how the human brain detects patterns.

A Super Strong Alloy Impact

The technological future of everything from cars and jet engines to the gadgets, appliances, and public utilities constituting the Internet of Things will depend on microscopic sensors.

Tech Tools: A Whole New View Impact

The selective plane fluorescence light sheet microscope at Johns Hopkins is one of the first operational on the East Coast and the only one in Maryland.

Trending Impact

Notable quotes and comments from Johns Hopkins Engineering faculty members.

Tech Venturers Features

Meet a cadre of entrepreneurial Johns Hopkins engineers who are at the forefront of commercializing their discoveries.

Coming of Age Features

Who knew that water could be young, old, and in between? Turns out that water’s age can offer insights on everything from purity to climate change.

CANstruction Students

Civil Engineering students transformed 42 cases of beans into a replica of one of Baltimore’s iconic blue and white water taxis to support the Maryland Food Bank.

A Speedy Route to Reliability Students

Erratic video-streaming on the internet is annoying. For some applications, however, the wait can cost businesses money or even be downright dangerous.

To Rent—Or Not to Rent? Students

For all its good intentions, the federal government’s housing choice voucher program is not helping America’s poor as intended, says PhD student Philip Garboden.

Stepping into the Spotlight Students

Cori Grainger ’20 chases her dreams in an emotional documentary about the Lethal Ladies, a step team at the Baltimore Leadership School for Young Women.

Drones for Healing Alumni

In October 2016, drones started scattering across rural Rwanda. They launched throughout the week, as many as 50 flights a day, traveling miles from their base to locations deep in the countryside to drop vital supplies to clinics that couldn’t obtain them by other means.

Changing Lives With Clean Water Alumni

The need for clean water and sanitation is a given for health. However, having access to these necessities is far from assured in the developing world.

Heading up LMI Alumni

David Zolet, MS ’87, has been named president and CEO of LMI, a management consulting firm in Tysons, Virginia.

Desktop 3-D Printers Go Metal Alumni

Being able to produce usable prototypes with the strength and temperature tolerance of metal would allow developers to speed up the iterative cycle of design, says Jonah Myerberg, MS ’03.

Global Search Leader Alumni

Krishnan Rajagopalan credits the training he received at Johns Hopkins Engineering for helping him succeed in a career that has culminated in him being named president and CEO of Chicago-based Heidrick & Struggles International.

Rewind: The Poly Pipeline Alumni

Poly’s graduates have long been a regular—and welcome—addition to the Johns Hopkins Engineering student body.

From the Dean From The Dean

Finding workable solutions to the complex global challenges we face, from climate change and rising health care costs to our cities’ crumbling infrastructure, requires bringing to bear the collective expertise and points of view of engineers, lawyers, policymakers, ethicists, artists, economists, diplomats, and many others.

So Long, Trial and Error Back Talk

Why computer simulations are key to the future for better health care.