Early Career Honor for Schulman
Rebecca Schulman has received the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers.
Rebecca Schulman has received the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers.
Coronary artery disease and congenital cardiovascular defects often require multiple surgeries that pose a variety of serious risks to the patient. A development from Hopkins engineers could potentially minimize those surgical risks.
A new method of increasing the reactivity of ultrathin nanosheets could someday make fuel cells for hydrogen cars cheaper.
Trending quotes from Johns Hopkins engineers.
Meet three students who hit their stride at Johns Hopkins, thanks largely to a supportive program that helps them thrive.
Even under the best circumstances, clinical trials in medicine are notoriously lengthy and costly—so much so, says Misti Ushio ’94, that many researchers shy away from taking risks with trial design and the interventions they’re testing.
With its origins in the civil rights era, the program is one of the oldest and longest-running campus tutoring efforts in the country.
Sharon Gerecht was recognized for her “seminal studies on the interactions between stem cells and their microenvironments and for engineering artificial cell microenvironments capable of guiding vascular differentiation, delivery, and regeneration of tissues.”
The annual Tower of Power contest challenges teams of undergraduates, graduate students, staff members, alumni, and area middle school students to engineer the tallest possible towers from uncooked pasta and marshmallows.