“I don’t even think that the NSA would be able to break this algorithm.”
Avi Rubin, professor of computer science, discussing the ransomware RobinHood, an extremely powerful and malicious program that makes it impossible to access server data without a digital key.
“Once the mosquito was in a cartridge with its head and neck and thorax in well-defined positions, you could then perhaps cut off all the heads at once.”
Russ Taylor ’70, John C. Malone Professor of Computer Science, who is developing a system to automate the process of decapitating 30 mosquitoes simultaneously and dissecting their salivary glands in an effort to create a malaria vaccine.
“It’s really spooky. [Senescent cells] are not causing cancer, but they are making sure to push those cells tempted to become cancerous to actually do it.”
Denis Wirtz, vice provost for research and the Theophilus Halley Smoot Professor of Engineering Science in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, explaining how the behavior of cells changes as the cells age.
“We could pull information down and upload information on a flying drone. You could also hijack the drone.”
Lanier Watkins, associate research scientist in the Johns Hopkins Information Security Institute and a senior cyber security research engineer at the Applied Physics Laboratory, describing possible vulnerabilities and security risks to the United States related to drones manufactured by Chinese companies.