Graduation and Commencement

Countdown to Commencement!

Class of 2025

The Office of Engineering Advising is here to help you smoothly transition from your time as an undergraduate student to your walk across the Commencement stage on May 22.

Congratulations, Class of 2025!

This is your information hub as you approach graduation and commencement. Read on about graduation policies, applying, and life after graduation. When available, this page will also include important dates for application, regalia, and more.

February 9
February 9

Graduation Applications Due

Submit your application via SIS by 11:59 PM.

Early March
Early March

Commencement Registration Begins

In March, you will receive an email from MarchingOrder with information on how to register for Commencement.

Early April
Early April

Regalia Online Orders Due

Last day for online orders for your cap and gown will be in early April. The exact date is TBA. You may also purchase your regalia in person at the Grad Fair.

Early April
Early April

Grad Fair

The Grad Fair will be in early April at the Johns Hopkins Barnes & Noble at St. Paul and 33rd Streets. The exact date is TBA. You can order personalized announcements, diploma frames, buy your cap and gown in person, and sit for senior portraits.


Commencement Registration Due

Register for the Commencement ceremony through MarchingOrder by 11:59 PM. The deadline is in mid-April. The exact date will be shared here when available.


Induction Ceremony and Celebration

The date of the Order of the Engineer and Pledge of the Computing Professional Ceremony Induction and Celebration is TBA and will be shared here when available.

May 22
May 22


It’s time to celebrate your achievement, 9 AM at Homewood Field.

Graduation Requirements and Policies

Graduating with your engineering degree is regulated by policies at the university level. There are also multiple categories of degree requirements that comprise an undergraduate degree at Hopkins, including requirements for number and types of credits, residency, and any requirements that are specific to your major and/or minor. Read about the policies and requirements for JHU and your department(s) to ensure you are informed and prepared to apply for graduation.

Common Questions

When can I graduate?

The university confers degrees three times per academic year, at the end of the spring term (May), summer term (August), and fall term (December). There is one annual commencement ceremony in May.

Most students graduate after eight semesters. Students who have completed all degree requirements in fewer than eight semesters may be eligible to graduate early. Transfer students must complete at least four full-time semesters.

I need fewer than 12 credits to graduate. Can I complete my last semester as a part time student?

If you are graduating after eight semesters or fewer, you must be registered in your last semester as a full-time student. If your final semester is your 9th or 10th, you can enroll in fewer than 12 credits and pay per credit.

I have two majors. Will I receive two diplomas?

You only receive one diploma for your undergraduate degree even if you completed more than one major. The diploma is associated with your primary major at graduation. The completion of additional majors is, however, recorded on the transcript and diploma.

Students pursuing a double degree with Peabody will receive two diplomas.

More information about this policy is listed in the academic catalogue.

How do I know if I am eligible for honors? Am I eligible for honors in a secondary major?

Each major has specific requirements for graduating with honors. You can read yours in the e-catalogue.

Applying for Graduation

Regardless of whether or not you plan to walk in Commencement, you must apply for graduation in order to complete your degree program and receive your diploma.


How to apply for graduation


You may apply for graduation in the spring or fall terms using SIS Self-Service. The link usually becomes available at the beginning of your junior year. You must submit it by the deadline set by the registrar for the term you intend to graduate.

If an extenuating circumstance prevented you from applying for graduation by the deadline, contact your professional academic advisor to discuss your options.

Before Applying

You can only complete the online application once. Before you submit your application, confirm all the following information in your SIS record:

  1. Your primary major and, if applicable, secondary major is accurately reflected. If not, follow the instructions to swap your major. (If your primary or secondary major is not reflected anywhere in your SIS record, contact your professional academic advisor​.)
  2. Your minor, if applicable, is accurately reflected. If not, follow the instructions to add a new minor.
  3. If you previously declared a secondary major and/or minor but no longer plan to complete it, verify it is no longer present in your record. If not, follow the instructions to drop a major or minor.
  4. Your degree (i.e., Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science) is accurately reflected. If not, follow the instructions to swap your degree.
  5. All AP or other exam credits are properly recorded. If any are missing, contact your professional academic advisor.​
  6. All transfer credits are properly recorded. If any are missing, contact your professional academic advisor.​

If you need to adjust any of this information after you have submitted the application, contact the Advising Office to submit a paper form.

Submission Instructions

  1. Log in to SIS, then select Registration → Program of Study Info from the menu.
  2. Select the link that says Apply to Graduate.
  3. Confirm again that all of the information regarding your degree is correct, as outlined above.
  4. Complete all required fields and select the Submit button.
  5. Print a copy of the application for your personal record.

Please use your most current mailing and email address in your application, as this will be where you receive all commencement information. Your diploma will be mailed to the diploma address in SIS.

Summer Graduates

Applications to graduate in the summer term must be submitted using a paper form. Contact the Advising Office for more information.

Common Questions

I submitted my graduation application but it’s wrong! How do I make a change?

Do not try to resubmit your application through SIS. Contact the Academic Advising Office.

If I am graduating with my BS and MSE degree at the same time, when should I apply for graduation?

A student cannot be conferred with their WSE master’s/graduate degree before they have been conferred with their JHU bachelor’s degree. With prior approval, a student may confer with their bachelor’s and master’s/graduate degrees in the same semester with degree requirement signoff from the Office of Engineering Advising and the graduate program.  

Note that there is not a combined diploma. Each degree is separately conferred. 


Commencement for the Class of 2025 is May 22 at Homewood Field! The Undergraduate Commencement Checklist is the place to check for all commencement-related tasks and deadlines.

Common Questions

Induction Ceremony and Celebration

The Order of the Engineer was initiated in the United States to foster a spirit of pride and responsibility in the engineering profession, to bridge the gap between training and experience, and to present to the public a visible symbol identifying the engineer. If you're graduating this year with an engineering degree you are invited to accept the Obligation of the Engineer and a stainless steel ring.

The Pledge of the Computing Professional promotes and recognizes the ethical and moral behavior of graduates of computing-related degree programs as they transition to careers of service to society. Initiates will take the Pledge of the Computing Professional Oath and receive a brass lapel pin that spells 'HONOR' in ASCII code.

Graduating students are invited to become members of the order and take the pledge at the Induction Ceremony and Celebration.

After Graduation

As a brand-new alumnus of the Johns Hopkins University Whiting School of Engineering, you can access benefits such as alumni email, library resources, networking opportunities, discounts, and more.

Continuing Education Questions

Can I stay on after graduation to complete a second major/minor?

If you have completed eight or more semesters at JHU, you may take one to two additional courses after graduation to complete a second major or minor. You must file an approved plan with the Office of Engineering Advising before your initial graduation date. Please contact your professional academic advisor to inquire about the process.

The courses, grades, and credits will appear on a new academic record. A notation indicating the additional major or minor will be added to the new academic record, but a new diploma will not be issued. You must notify the Office of Engineering Advising additional courses taken after graduation satisfy another major or minor.

If you graduate early, you lose the opportunity to complete additional majors or minors after graduation.

More information about this policy is listed in the academic catalogue.

If I have completed all my degree requirements, can I take a course as an alumnus?

If you have completed your bachelor’s degree requirement, you may take additional courses as an alumnus with permission of the Office of Engineering Advising. The courses, grades, and credits will appear on a new academic record.

If you graduate in fewer than eight semesters, you may also take courses after graduation as a full-time or part-time student if not completing an additional major or minor.

More information about this policy is listed in the academic catalogue.

Post-Completion Optional Practical Training (OPT) for International Students

Post-completion OPT is for students that wish to be employed in the U.S. after the completion of their degree in a position that is directly related to their degree program. A student with an F-1 visa who has maintained status for at least one academic year may be eligible to apply. Information about applying for OPT is available from the JHU Office of International Services (OIS).

Additional Information

Find full policies and other information about graduation and commencement in the academic catalogue and the JHU Commencement website.