Enter the Surgineer
Find out how a new member of the clinical team in the operating room holds the potential to help revolutionize the standard of patient care.
Find out how a new member of the clinical team in the operating room holds the potential to help revolutionize the standard of patient care.
Of all the remarkable things engineers do for humanity, none may be more important than the ways in which they improve our resiliency, keeping us safe from the many potential harms the world has in store.
An unlikely collaboration between engineers and artists has yielded inspired creations in both fields.
Self-driving cars have the potential to stem the carnage of traffic fatalities on our streets, but a safe rollout is imperative. A Johns Hopkins team is working toward a national road map for autonomous vehicle testing.
When graduate student Luke Osborn needed to test the fingertip sensors he’d spent years developing for prosthesis wearers, he didn’t have far to look. The ensuing collaboration and results hold big promise for amputees.
When the university’s Rising to the Challenge campaign concluded in October, the Whiting School had raised a record-breaking $292.6 million. Here’s how philanthropy has provided our faculty and students with the opportunities and resources they need to flourish, achieve, and make a difference.
There’s treasure in all those tweets and Google searches we send out into cyberspace each day, says Mark Dredze.
Why the echolocating brown bat is an ideal model for deciphering the complexities of the way humans perceive sound.
Through their work in hospitals and labs, Johns Hopkins engineering undergrads come up with real-world solutions that are critical to improving patient care.