Winter 2019

Clancy Heads Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Paulette Clancy is one of the country’s leaders in the study of atomic-and molecular-scale modeling of materials, especially semiconducting materials ranging from traditional, silicon-based compounds to all-organic materials.

Summer 2018

Two Elected to National Academy of Engineering

Jennifer Elisseeff, professor of biomedical engineering, and Charles Meneveau, professor of mechanical engineering, were among 83 new members, along with 16 foreign members, elected into the 2018 class.

Summer 2018

In Memoriam: Remembering Murray Sachs

Sachs’ research on how the brain receives and processes sound paved the way for the development of cochlear implants, electronic devices that deliver a sense of sound to people with hearing loss.

Summer 2018

Sign of the Times

Johns Hopkins University has purchased Baltimore’s historic Stieff Silver complex, making a highly visible symbol of the city’s manufacturing heritage a part of its future in the knowledge economy.

Summer 2018

New MINDS for Big Data

Johns Hopkins has launched an interdisciplinary institute aimed at developing the mathematical theories that will hasten the analysis of the massive amounts of data being used to study everything from the inner workings of the human cell to the structure of the universe.

Summer 2018

Fun With ‘Robo-Bugs’

One robot that can retrieve objects drifting into deep water using a whirligig beetle’s swimming ability. Another that can deliver letters and greeting cards with the speed and grace of a dragonfly. Both were among the “Robo-Bugs” imagined and designed by third graders at Barclay Elementary/Middle School last fall.

Summer 2018

‘Bronze Johns’ Get a Face-lift

A small-scale bust of Mr. Johns Hopkins—the so-called Bronze Johns—has been awarded to distinguished alumni and friends of the institution for their outstanding service to the university since 1973. However, over the 45-year legacy of the Heritage Award, the statuette masters—the original sculptures that casting molds are made from—have deteriorated.

Winter 2018

Innovation, With Unlimited Caffeine

Just a few blocks from tree-lined Homewood campus, in Baltimore’s trendy Remington neighborhood, Johns Hopkins University has opened FastForward R. House, its second major innovation space in six months.