Xin Zhang's winning poster in the undergraduate category

Meng Qin’s winning poster in the master’s category

On Friday, Sept. 23, the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering held a competition put on jointly by the university’s student chapter of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers and the Graduate Student Liaison Committee. In total 17 posters were presented, with faculty members acting as judges. Winning in the master’s degree category was Meng Qin with a poster titled “Constructing Antifouling Membrane Filtration Systems for Continuous Protein Harvesting,” and winning in the undergraduate category was Xin (Jason) Zhang with a poster titled “In the Search for Magnetic Skyrmions: An Experimental and Computational Approach Towards the Synthesis and Characterization of Mn1-xFexP.”

The AIChe student chapter serves as a connection between the department’s undergraduate students and their future in chemical engineering. It is an entirely student-run organization that promotes student-faculty, student-student, and student-professional relationships through a wide range of social mixers, panel discussions, and career information sessions. The GSLC is a group of volunteer graduate students (master’s and PhD) that are responsible for planning graduate student events for the ChemBE department.