3M Corporation Young Faculty Fellowship       




Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) Young Investigator Program (YIP) Award 


American Insitute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers (AIME)-TMS Rossiter W. Raymond Memorial Award 


American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Fellows 


American Chemical Society (ACS) Fellows 


American Ceramic Society Member 

  • Patty McGuiggan, President for the American Ceramics Society Art, Archaeology and Conservation Science Division, 2020 


American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering Fellows 


American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Fellows 


American Society for Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Fellows 


American Physical Society (APS) Fellows 


APS’s 5 Sigma Physicist Award 


Army Research Office Young Investigator (ARO YIP) Award 


ASM International Fellows 


ASM International, Bradley Stoughton Award for Young Teachers 


Baltimore Tech Council Innovator of the Year 


Capers and Marion McDonald Award for Excellence in Mentoring and Advising 


Catalyst Award, Johns Hopkins University 


Cohen Translational Engineering Award, Johns Hopkins University 


Community Engagement Award, Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, SHPE, Michigan Chapter 


Department of Energy (DOE), Early Career Research Program Award 


Discovery Award, Johns Hopkins University 


Distinguished Alumni Award, Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering, University of Illinois 


Electrochemical Society Fellow 


Erskine Teaching Fellowship, University of Canterbury, New Zealand    


Fulbright Fellowship 

  • Regina García-Méndez, 2013-2015, United States Department of State Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs 


George E. Owen Teaching Award   


Gordon Research Conference on Thin Film and Crystal Growth Mechanisms 


Harvard Brain Institute Young Scientist Transitions Award 


Hellman Faculty Fellow 


Herchel Smith Scholarship 


Inaugural Gordon Croft Investment Faculty Scholar 


International Society of Materials Modeling (ISMM) Early-Career Investigator Award in Materials Modeling 


Louis B. Thalheimer Award for Translational Research, Johns Hopkins University 


Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship   

  • Tine Curk, 2019-2022, Northwestern University 


Marlin U. Zimmerman Faculty Scholar, Johns Hopkins University 
Kalina Hristova, 2011 


Materials Research Society (MRS) Fellows 


Materials Research Society (MRS) Graduate Student Award 


Monsanto Graduate Fellowship 


NanoTech 50 Award 


National Science Foundation (NSF), Broadening Participation Research Initiation Grants in Engineering (BRIGE) Award 


National Science Foundation’s CAREER Award 


NSF-NATO Postdoctoral Fellowship 


NATAS (North American Thermal Analysis Society) Outstanding Service Award 


North American Thermal Analysis Society (NATAS) Fellows 


National Academy of Inventors (NAI) Fellows 


National Academy of Sciences Kavli Fellows 


National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship 


National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) Maximizing Investigators Research Award (MIRA) 


Olmstead Prize, Top Engineering Science Major at Dartmouth College 


Packard Fellow for Science and Engineering 


President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship          

  • Tine Curk, 2017- 2018, Chinese Academy of Sciences 


Pregel Award, National Institute of Chemistry 


R&D 100 Award 


Rising Star Award for Junior Faculty, Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering, Biomedical Engineering Society   


Rosalind Franklin Young Investigator Award 


Ross N. Tucker Memorial Award 


Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Fellows 


Southwest State University Chemistry Award 




The Biophysical Society 

Margaret Oakley Dayhoff Award 


Council Member 


The Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering (SAMPE) International Graduate Student Award         


The Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society (TMS) Research to Industrial Practice Award 


The Metals, Minerals, and Materials Society (TMS), Brimacombe Medalist 


TMS Structural Materials Division, JOM Best Paper Award 


TMS Young Leaders Professional Development Award 


University of California Presidential Fellow 


William H. Huggins Excellence in Teaching Award, Whiting School of Engineering 


Wilsmore Fellow, University of Melbourne 


Wolman Fellowship