Optically Driven, In-Situ Growth of Nanoparticles in Polymer Matrices
Using optical properties of nanocomposites to induce localized thermal decomposition of organometallic molecules around the nanoparticles while exposed to high-energy ultrafast lasers.
Associated Faculty:
Ultrafast Energy Transfer Processes in Organic Layer/Substrate Systems
Investigating the related energy transfer mechanisms in organic layer/substrate systems.
Associated Faculty:
Organic Electronics for Chemical Sensing
New polymers and device architectures for environmental pollutant sensing and protein biomarker detection for medical diagnosis
Associated Faculty:
Tuning Semiconductor Device Properties with Static Charge
Developing methods of imparting static charge to transistors during device fabrication to repurpose transistors with the same materials and dimensions for other functions in circuits.
Associated Faculty:
Solution-Processed Ionically Polarized Oxide Dielectrics for Low-Voltage Transparent Transistors
Investigating the structure of the amorphous form of an ionically conducting compound used in transparent electronic devices using ab initio modeling and algorithms.
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