TAGGED Department of Computer Science

Breaking the Mold in Orthotics

A med-tech startup launched last year by Param Shah and Alex Mathews ’17, aims to develop a faster, cheaper, software-driven alternative to the tedious and costly hand-casting process that still dominates the orthotics industry.

Genome Hunters

Thanks to dizzying advances in technology, scientists are poised to unlock the secrets of the genome in an ambitious effort to transform the diagnosis and treatment of disease.

Not So Meaningless

The spotlight in baseball tends to fall on the clutch moment, the final inning, the key at-bat with the game on the line. But players also reveal themselves when the team’s got little to gain or lose.

Say What?

Think today’s computers are smart? Just look at what’s coming. Meet a multinational bullpen of computer scientists who are rapidly bridging the divide between humans and machines.

Bright Light

Suchi Saria, an assistant professor of computer science, has been named one of Popular Science’s Brilliant 10, the magazine’s annual list of the “brightest young minds in science and engineering.”

Lifesaving Algorithms

Suchi Saria and colleagues are developing computer programs that analyze existing medical information to manage patients most at risk, allowing clinicians to take action early to prevent organ failure.

Tech Tools: Finding Purpose for Retired Robots

An open-source software and electronics kit created by a team of Whiting School faculty members, research engineers, and students for first-generation da Vinci surgical robots is in use at more than 25 research institutions around the world.

Resilient Networks

Yair Amir, chair of the Department of Computer Science, has led an effort to protect against the sort of attack that in 2010 disrupted thousands of internet networks in the United States and around the world.

Left Brain Right Brain

Two Whiting School students, both pianists, were among three winners of last spring’s Hopkins Symphony Orchestra concerto competition.