
Summer 2016

Hands-On at Barclay

Sixth-grader Ryan Boyce eyes the tangle of straws, wooden dowels, and duct tape in his hand. He’s sitting in a…

Summer 2016

The Power of Chocolate

While most are familiar with the rich taste of chocolate, few know what that sweet deliciousness looks like under a…

Summer 2016

Armed to Succeed

Lydia Carroll’s ’16 undergraduate major—biomedical engineering—is a sweet spot at the intersection of two passions: neuroscience and “building stuff.” So…

Summer 2016

Meeting Needs in Rural India

When Param Shah ’18 traveled to the Himalayas in India on a service trip nearly three years ago, he was…

Winter 2016

Behind Prison Walls

When Nikhil Jois was a first- semester freshman at Johns Hopkins, a friend advised him to get outside the “Hopkins…

Winter 2016

Still in It

It’s been a nail-biting time for members of Aezon Health, the team of undergraduate students from the Whiting and Krieger…

Winter 2016

Minuscule Marvels

To most people, spider crickets are pesky insects that leap crazily out of dark corners in basements and garages, making…

Winter 2016

Better Brain Surgery

Neurosurgeons have a tough balancing act when removing brain tumors: Fail to remove the entire tumor, and the cancer will…

Winter 2016

The Cells Don’t Lie

You may look younger than your years, but your cells won’t lie about your age, according to researchers in the…