
Winter 2017

Tech Tools: Finding Purpose for Retired Robots

An open-source software and electronics kit created by a team of Whiting School faculty members, research engineers, and students for first-generation da Vinci surgical robots is in use at more than 25 research institutions around the world.

Winter 2017

Stressing Metallic Glass

When materials scientists want to create steel with specific properties—say, a certain combination of strength, hardness, and fracture resistance—they know how to approach the problem. Materials scientists know much less about how to predict and alter the mechanical properties of metallic glasses and other amorphous solids.

Winter 2017

Resilient Networks

Yair Amir, chair of the Department of Computer Science, has led an effort to protect against the sort of attack that in 2010 disrupted thousands of internet networks in the United States and around the world.

Winter 2017


Johns Hopkins engineers are developing high-tech hardhats, collaborating for improved CT scanners, and working towards better tissue repair.

Winter 2017

Catching Alzheimer’s Early

For a disease that’s disturbingly prevalent, Alzheimer’s disease’s cause and cure remains elusive. But researchers know that the brain changes of Alzheimer’s start before symptoms such as memory loss show up.

Winter 2017

Cancer’s Quest for Oxygen

Cancer cells need oxygen to survive. But scientists had never tracked cancer cells’ search for oxygen in their early growth stages until now—moving medicine a step closer to understanding one way that cancer spreads.

Winter 2017


“Unfortunately I think the thing that has improved the most in the past 10 years is the sophistication of the…

Summer 2016


“It was painful to me, as an engineer, to see how badly we had failed society.”  2/16/16, Baltimore Sun Judy Mitrani-Reiser, civil engineering…

Summer 2016


Disruptive ideas, findings, and products.