Zachary Schneiderman, left, Tatsat Banerjee, center, and Justin Lowenthal, right, are among five Johns Hopkins University students to receive the Siebel Scholar award for 2023.

Three doctoral candidates in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering were named Siebel Scholars for 2023 on October 4. Zachary Schneiderman, Tatsat Banerjee and Justin Lowenthal were among five scholarship recipients from Johns Hopkins University. Schneiderman is part of the Kokkoli lab, where his work has centered on targeted drug and gene therapy delivery for the treatment of cancer using DNA nanotubes, liposomes, and lipid nanoparticles. Banerjee, who is part of the Iglesias lab in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Devreotes lab in the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine’s Department of Cell Biology, has focused his research on polarity in cell migration. Lowenthal is completing an MD-PhD and has focused his research on the effects of oxygen on early cardiac development and on modeling the genetic heart disease arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy, combining stem cell differentiation, three-dimensional platforms, and developmental biology techniques.

The scholarship awards $35,000 for a student’s final year of graduate studies. Each year around 90 students are selected for the award based on academic performance and leadership potential.

See the full story on The Hub.

Zachary Schneiderman and Efie Kokkoli