Recent News
CaSE expands its curriculum with a course on optimizing building energy management systems to enhance resiliency and sustainability
As chair, Xiao will promote computational mechanics to young researchers and support student engagement and professional development
The Department of Civil and Systems Engineering is pleased to welcome two new faculty members, Hao (Frank) Yang and Melissa Tilashalski, who broaden the expertise and innovative research of our…
Effective August 1, Lori Graham-Brady, professor in the Whiting School of Engineering’s (WSE) Department of Civil and Systems Engineering (CaSE) will serve as the vice dean for faculty for WSE. …
Faculty, student volunteers continue the department’s longstanding tradition
Three Engineering for Professionals online programs now occupy the No. 1 spot in U.S. News rankings
Craig Schwitter ’89, an accomplished alumnus of Johns Hopkins University Civil Engineering, and Kristen Corlay Sanmiguel ‘24, a current senior in Civil and Systems Engineering (CaSE), embody the university’s commitment…
CaSE’s Unique Historic Preservation Classes Featured in ASCE’s “Civil Engineering Magazine”
CategoriesIn civil engineering, the preservation of historic structures presents a unique set of challenges that require a balance of technical expertise and artistic sensibility. Engineers involved with historic preservation projects…
The Hopkins Extreme Materials Institute (HEMI) has established a new center focused on using high-throughput and data-driven artificial intelligence and machine learning-based tools to accelerate materials discovery, with an emphasis…
Naomi Rankin, an incoming PhD student in the Department of Civil and Systems Engineering, joins 19 others in being part of the inaugural cohort of Vivien Thomas Scholars. Rankin is…
Somnath Ghosh, the Michael G. Callas Chair Professor in the Department of Civil and Systems Engineering, has been selected to receive The Mineral, Metals, and Materials Society’s (TMS) 2023 Materials…