Recent News
Competitors try to rise above classmates in high-flying annual engineering competition
Hit Design Day project from WSE undergrads wows listeners overseas.
Don Grage and Casey Qadir redefine 'family homework night' with joint master's degrees
Apps promoting accessibility took center stage at this year's HopHacks coding marathon, which challenges college students from across the country to design projects that address critical issues like health care access and human safety
19 scholars join JHU to begin pursuing PhDs as part of a $150M initiative designed to advance pathways for students from HBCUs and MSIs in STEM fields.
New orientation program blends mentorship, design challenges, and life design
Native of Australia among recipients of highly competitive award for exceptional master's and doctoral students to study STEM in the U.S.
For 10 weeks this summer, undergraduate students worked 40 hours a week at nonprofits, government agencies, and companies around the city
Researchers harness blue jean pigment and electricity to remove CO2 from the air
Undergrad biomedical engineering project yields non-invasive method to measure life-threatening intracranial pressure
Hopkins faculty and students share their excitement about Bloomberg Philanthropies' landmark $1 billion investment in future generations of doctors, nurses, and research pioneers.
Back Bay Midnight Pedalers claim victory over Puck Me after three-hour-long, double-elimination contest.