High Performers

Fall 2005

The Proof of Truth in Numbers

Node by node in networks, mathematician Edward R. Scheinerman models the motion along direct routes. The Internet…interstate highways…interpersonal relations… e-mails…cell…

Fall 2005

In the Driver’s Seat of a Single Cell

Navigating via computer-based mathematical models, Pablo A. Iglesias aims to understand—and regulate—how cells move and divide. Call him a control…

Winter 2005

Mixing it up with Metals

On the nano level, Evan Ma triggers structural changes to give copper and other metals exciting new twists in performance….

Winter 2005

Next Gen Robotics: See Them Roar!

René Vidal develops the techniques that will enable computers to tell a tiger from a tree—and learn from what they…

Summer 2004

A Vote for Greater Information Security

As touch-screen voting systems come online, Aviel D. “Avi” Rubin has been warning of their vulnerabilities—and of threats to the…

Fall 2003

The Clearest Windshield in the World

Through his research on data storage, Randal Burns helps global computer users quickly view massive amounts of information. In Steven…

Fall 2002

An Eye for the Future

Michael I. Miller and colleagues at the Center for Imaging Science are investigating research with some far-sighted applications. On the…