Academic Departments: Full-time Programs

Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics

Degrees offered: BS, MS, and PhD in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, MS in Financial Mathematics, MS in Data Science

Areas of research include:

  • Computational and applied mathematics
  • Discrete mathematics
  • Financial mathematics
  • Operations research and optimization
Department of Biomedical Engineering

Degrees offered: BS, MS, and PhD in Biomedical Engineering, MS in Bioengineering Innovation and Design

Areas of research include:

  • Biomedical data science
  • Computational medicine
  • Genomics and systems biology
  • Imaging and medical devices
  • Immunoengineering
  • Neuroengineering
  • Translational cell and tissue engineering
Center for Leadership Education

Degrees offered: Minors in Accounting and Financial Management, Entrepreneurship and Management, Leadership Studies, and Marketing and Communications, MS in Engineering Management and MS in Global Innovation and Leadership. Also offering a Professional Development Program for grad students

Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Degrees offered: BS, combined BS/MS, MS, and PhD in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Areas of research include:

  • Biomolecular engineering and synthetic biology
  • Engineering for precision medicine
  • Materials for energy, catalysis, and separations
  • Modeling in the era of big data
  • Self-assembly and soft matte
Department of Civil and Systems Engineering

Degrees offered: BS in Civil Engineering, combined BS/MS, MS in Civil Engineering, PhD in Civil and Systems Engineering

Areas of research include:

  • Mechanics of materials
  • Structures
  • Systems
Department of Computer Science

Degrees offered: BA and BS, MS, and PhD in Computer Science, MSSI in Security Informatics

Areas of research include:

  • Theory and programming languages
  • Systems
  • Computational biology and medicine
  • Information security
  • Natural language processing
  • Machine learning, AI, and data science
  • Robotics, vision, and graphics
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Degrees offered: BA and BS in Electrical Engineering, BS in Computer Engineering, combined BS/MS in Electrical Engineering, combined BS/MS in Computer Engineering, PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering

Areas of research include:

  • Control networks and systems
  • Solid state electronics and photonics
  • Image and signal processing, machine learning and data science
  • Acoustics, language, and speech processing
  • Microsystems and computer engineering
Department of Environmental Health and Engineering

Engineering degrees offered: BS in Environmental Engineering, MA, MS, and MSE in Geography and Environmental Engineering, MS in Occupational Health and Environmental Hygiene, PhD in Geography and Environmental Engineering

Areas of research include:

  • Energy management and alternative technologies
  • Environmental engineering
  • Geomorphology, geochemistry, and hydrology
  • Global environmental change
Department of Materials Science and Engineering

Degrees offered: BS, combined BS/MS, MS, and PhD in Materials Science and Engineering

Research areas include:

  • Biomaterials
  • Computational medicine
  • Materials for energy
  • Functional materials
  • Optoelectronic and  magnetic materials
  • Structural materials
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Degrees offered: BS in Mechanical Engineering, BS in Engineering Mechanics, MS and PhD in Mechanical Engineering

Areas of research include:

  • Robotics
  • Fluid mechanics and thermal processes
  • Mechanical engineering in biology and medicine
  • Systems, modeling, and control
  • Mechanics and materials
  • Energy and the environment
  • Micro/nanoscale science and engineering