Mitra Taheri

Mitra Taheri, professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering and a member of the Hopkins Extreme Materials Institute, has been named a 2021 Brimacombe Medalist by The Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society (TMS).

The Brimacombe Medal is a mid-career award that recognizes those with sustained excellence and achievement in business, technology, education, public policy, or science related to materials science and engineering and with a record of continuing service to the profession. Taheri was cited for pioneering contributions to in-situ microscopic and spectroscopic characterization, as well as for her commitment to diversity in mentorship of the next generation.

Her research focuses on in-situ electron microscopy. Taheri’s team designs and builds platforms to study materials in different, often extreme, environments including high temperatures, electrical or mechanical stress, radiation, oxidation, and more.