A plate with sliced chicken breast and vegetables on a bed of lettuce.
Emily Yao and Vivian Su are co-presidents of JHU's chapter of The Alt Protein Project

Impossible Burgers were only the beginning. Whether plant-based, fermented, or cultivated, alternative protein is the future of meat.

Johns Hopkins engineering students Emily Yao and Vivian Su are co-presidents of JHU’s chapter of The Alt Protein Project, a global student movement dedicated to turning universities into engines for alternative protein education, research, and innovation. Along with their chapter advisor, Lauren Blake, they were featured on WYPR’s On The Record, where they discussed challenges to alternative protein adoption and efforts underway to create a pipeline for young engineers to enter the industry.

The team joins the show at around the 17-minute mark of the segment, which also features Eric Schulze, VP of Product & Regulation at UPSIDE Foods.

Emily Yao is a Materials Science and Engineering major

Vivian Su is a PhD student, conducting research with the Dynamic Characterization Group.

Lauren Blake is a postdoctoral fellow at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.