Recent News
Materials science student Hussein Elfayoumy designs novel stem cell-laden hydrogel to treat painful fistulas.
Team partners with Baltimore City to clean up Back River and the Patapsco the natural way.
Materials science student Charlie Teeter designs predictive model to discover atomic actions.
Student engineers bring the thrill of the hunt to Kilgore and Josie.
Mechanical engineers craft vibration-dampening device for Design Day project.
Dam Impressive: Multidisciplinary Design Day Team Competes in National Hydropower Challenge
CategoriesStudents’ fish-friendly, innovative project aims to unlock untapped energy source.
A multidisciplinary Design Day team designed an AI-powered chatbot to answer cancer patients' questions accurately and empathetically.
Easy EKG for a Chimpanzee
CategoriesEngineering students design monkey bar to monitor primates’ heart health for Maryland Zoo
Students develop wetlands plan to protect Turner Station community from rising sea level.