Where Creativity Reigns
A new space devoted to turning the seeds of students’ creative ideas into reality opened this fall in Remington, a stone’s throw from the Homewood campus.
A new space devoted to turning the seeds of students’ creative ideas into reality opened this fall in Remington, a stone’s throw from the Homewood campus.
The pace of change here is almost dizzying. In the last year alone, the Whiting School’s footprint on Homewood campus—and slightly beyond—has increased by 20 percent, allowing us to expand our critical core research facilities and world-class laboratories, and add more space for centers and institutes.
Meet a cadre of entrepreneurial Johns Hopkins engineers who are at the forefront of commercializing their discoveries.
Just a few blocks from tree-lined Homewood campus, in Baltimore’s trendy Remington neighborhood, Johns Hopkins University has opened FastForward R. House, its second major innovation space in six months.