Big Ideas

Winter 2014

Stopping Sepsis in Its Tracks

The threat of developing a fatal infection from a simple cut or minor wound is as antique as the Civil…

Winter 2014

Engineering a Smarter ICU

America’s intensive care units (ICUs) are supposed to showcase the lifesaving potential of modern medicine. They are equipped with the latest technology,staffed with the…

Summer 2013

FastForward This!

A new Johns Hopkins technology accelerator gives startups a boost.

Summer 2013

Getting a Grip on Better Biopsies

By using swarms of untethered grippers, each as small as a speck of dust, Johns Hopkins engineers have devised a new, more effective way to perform biopsies.

Summer 2013

Healing Wonders of Hydrogel

A simple substance comprised of a water-based, three-dimensional network of polymers shows amazing promise for treatment of third-degree burns.

Summer 2013

Who’s on First?

The challenge of scheduling each year’s thousands of professional ballgames is a complex business that one Whiting School researcher is now taking on with the help of students.

Summer 2013


Disruptive ideas, findings, and products created by WSE faculty, students, and alumni.

Summer 2013

Crystal Ball

How can we better engineer hospital ICUs to improve safety for patients?

Summer 2013

Ferreting Out Illicit Drug Data

Hopkins engineers have developed a computer algorithm to provide doctors, policymakers, and law enforcement, real-time information about the dangers of new chemical concoctions.