
Winter 2024

Solving the Mystery of Blood Falls

Using powerful transmission electron microscopes, Ken Livi, an associate research scientist in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering and director of operations for the Whiting School of Engineering’s Materials Characterization and Processing facility, examined samples of Blood Falls water and found an abundance of iron-rich nanospheres that oxidize, turning the water seemingly gory and solving a century-old mystery.

Winter 2024

Y Marks the Spot

The chromosome associated with male development—the last mysterious piece of the human genome—has been fully sequenced by a global team of more than 100 researchers, including those at Johns Hopkins.

Winter 2024

Shedding Light on Battery Degradation

Batteries often stop working at inopportune moments, and little is known about why they gradually lose their ability to store and deliver energy over time, a process known as degradation. Yayuan Liu, assistant professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, is working to shed light—literally—on why this process happens.

Winter 2024

Tech Tools

Scientists can’t peer directly into the high-pressure environment of the Earth’s crust, but the High-Pressure TriAxial COmpression Instrument, or “HP-TACO,” can help.

Spring 2023

The Mechanics of Back Pain

It’s a familiar story: you feel a twinge in your back and next thing you know, you can’t get out…

Spring 2023

Beating the Heat

Heat waves are deadly and increasingly frequent. They hit urban areas harder than suburban or rural areas because cities have…

Spring 2023

Simulating Data for AI Surgical Solutions

While artificial intelligence continues to transform health care, the tech has an Achilles’ heel: Training AI systems to perform tasks…