Toward Excellence in Academic Advising

Spring 2019

Academic advising

For many undergraduates, their freshman year is the first time they have had primary responsibility for their own educations, and they have questions: What classes should I take? How can I find research or internship opportunities? How should I shape my education to position myself for future success?

At Johns Hopkins, the response to these questions is not so much a set of answers as it is a series of conversations in which students can draw on the guidance of an experienced adviser over time. This process of moving from newly minted high school graduate to prepared-to-tackle-life college senior is so integral to the undergraduate experience that the Whiting School and the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences are embarking on a two-year initiative to evaluate and improve their academic advising processes.

Along with 11 other colleges and universities across the country, Johns Hopkins was selected to take part in the two-year Excellence in Academic Advising effort, an evidence-based redesign process that helps institutions create and implement a comprehensive strategic plan for academic advising.

EAA fellows will guide the schools in examining current advising practices, surveying students, and re-envisioning the role of faculty and academic advising, yielding a comprehensive improvement plan for each school.

“Participating in this evidence-based study of advising practices will enable us to better understand the impact of the many components that make up student advising and to adjust our practices to guide student success,” says Janet Weise, assistant dean for undergraduate academic affairs for the Whiting School.