Faculty Awards: Winter 2023

Winter 2023

Awards and Honors

Three Whiting School assistant professors received Young Faculty Awards from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. The DARPA program is focused on “developing the next generation of engineers, mathematicians, and academic scientists who will focus a significant portion of their careers on national security issues.”

Awardees and their projects include:

black-and-white photograph of Yinzhi Cao's torsoYINZHI CAO, Computer Science, who focuses on the security and privacy of web, network, and mobile systems. Project: “Abstract Modeling of Control- and Data-flow Guards of Inactive Vulnerabilities via Symbolic Object Graph.”



Grey or black and whie photo of Yun Chen smiling.

YUN CHEN, Mechanical Engineering, who studies how biophysical and biochemical factors are coordinated to achieve homeostasis, or to facilitate disease, across molecular, cellular, and tissue levels. Project: “Fibrosis, Inflammation, Revascularization, and Migration (FIRM) Modulation for Muscle Regeneration.”


black-and-white photograph of Gregory Falco's torso

GREGORY FALCO, Civil and Systems Engineering, who researches missionresilient autonomy for applications where failure is not an option. Project: “Orbital Resilient Blockchain Interagent Transaction Service (ORBITS) Architecture: A Resilient, Zero-Trust Architecture for Hosted Payloads and Space Infrastructure as a Service.”