Research Areas Brain circuit evolution comparative connectomics & transcriptomics viral engineering neuro tool development

Justus Kebschull is an assistant professor of biomedical engineering. His research is focused on neuroengineering, genomics and systems biology, and biomedical data science with specific interest in brain circuit evolution, comparative connectomics and transcriptomics, viral engineering, and neuro tool development.

The Kebschull Lab studies how brain areas, circuits, and cell types change across evolution to produce the complex network architecture of extant vertebrate brains to understand evolution and reveal general principles of brain circuit design and network structure. They develop engineering cutting-edge circuit tracing and viral tools to map brains at much higher resolution and larger scales than previously possible. These tools include barcode sequencing-based tracing tools (MAPseq, BRICseq) and in situ sequencing approaches.

Applying these technologies to a variety of species—including mice and humans, but also the less-studied species of birds, reptiles, amphibians, and even sharks—allows inferences into the most likely evolutionary histories of individual brain circuits and of entire networks.