Clark 104C

Constanza Miranda is an associate teaching professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering and the assistant dean for faculty undergraduate mentoring in WSE’s Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs. 
Miranda has more than 16 years of teaching experience. Before coming to Johns Hopkins in 2020, she was an assistant professor in the school of engineering at Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, where she founded and directed the Engineering Design Initiative (DILAB). While completing her PhD at NC State, she was awarded a Fulbright fellowship to join Stanford’s Center for Design Research. There, she worked with faculty in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, conducting fieldwork-design in engineering, education, and innovation-driven teams. 
Constanza is an excellent teacher, curriculum designer, and academic leader whose multidisciplinary academic interests explore the intersection between the creativity of design, the ethics of cultural anthropology, and engineering education. She will continue to mentor and teach design teams in the Department of Biomedical Engineering.