Who We Support

WSE Instructional Support is here to help WSE faculty and students thrive in online learning environments.

How to Contact Us

Design, Development, Teaching

For help with designing your course, developing materials, or to learn about teaching online, contact [email protected].

Help Desk

For help with technology used in teaching and learning, faculty & students can contact [email protected].

Support Services


WSE Course Design: Learn how to design the content, interactions, and assessment in an online learning environment.



Pedagogical Consultations: Learn how to teach in an online learning environment.



Media Production: We assist faculty and staff who want to enhance lessons, presentations, and research with audio, video, and new media.


Faculty Development: We offer training resources, courses, and programs to prepare and educate faculty on current best practices in pedagogy and technology.


Live Help Desk: Help Desk provides remote and onsite instructional support to WSE faculty and students.