Educate Professionals

  • 1) Lead a Seminar or Workshop

    Seminars and workshops allow industry professionals to quickly develop skills to advance their career. Contact our office to explore the opportunities to lead a future seminar and workshop for an industry audience.

  • 2) Build Course Content

    Your expertise is needed to shape course content that satisfy certifications and credits. Our office will connect you to proper resources and services to develop and redevelop courses that are targeted for industry professionals.

  • 3) Teach Part-Time

    Leverage your academic prowess to develop the workforce of the future. Johns Hopkins Engineering for Professionals and Lifelong Learning are seeking qualified faculty to teach part-time in our nationally recognized programs.

Collaborate with Industry in Research

  • 1) Explore Industry Research Topics

    Ensuring your research aligns with industry is important to creating and developing corporate partnerships. Connect with our office to explore and align with prioritized industry research topic areas.

  • 2) Apply to Industry Funding Opportunities​

    By partnering with companies in research, you can help transition scientific discovery closer to societal impact. We will support you in navigating the process of applying to industry funding opportunities.

  • 3) Receive Partnership Assistance

    Forming a fully compliant industry partnership can be challenging, especially for those new to the process. Our office can help you navigate the partnering process and offer guidance on agreements, legal documents, and partnership strategy.

Commercialize Your Technology

  • 1) Gain Skills and Mentorship ​

    Discover the different programs and services that build your expertise in commercialization and entrepreneurship. Our office will help you learn more about Johns Hopkins Technology Venture’s mentorship and education activities, which prepares JHU innovators for translational success.

  • 2) Protect and License Technology​

    There are major steps in protecting and licensing your technology, which starts with reporting your invention. In collaboration with Johns Hopkins Technology Venture, we will help you to navigate the licensing process.

  • 3) Create a Startup

    A startup is an avenue to commercialize your technology. To begin your startup journey, we will guide you to the right services and resources available through Johns Hopkins Tech Ventures, including FastForward.

Connect with the Office of Corporate Engagement