TAGGED Carnegie Center for Surgical Innovation

Enter the Surgineer

Find out how a new member of the clinical team in the operating room holds the potential to help revolutionize the standard of patient care.

C-Arms Bring 3-D to the OR

Jeff Siewerdsen and his team are advancing imaging technologies that will make surgery more precise and improve patient safety.

Medicine’s Problem-Solvers

Through their work in hospitals and labs, Johns Hopkins engineering undergrads come up with real-world solutions that are critical to improving patient care.

‘Bronze Johns’ Get a Face-lift

A small-scale bust of Mr. Johns Hopkins—the so-called Bronze Johns—has been awarded to distinguished alumni and friends of the institution for their outstanding service to the university since 1973. However, over the 45-year legacy of the Heritage Award, the statuette masters—the original sculptures that casting molds are made from—have deteriorated.

Clearer Vision for Surgeons

Muyinatu A. Lediju Bell is designing a new image-guided surgical system that could give surgeons real-time visuals of the blood vessels, increasing precision and improving patient safety.

At the Cutting Edge

On the seventh floor of the Johns Hopkins Hospital’s Carnegie Building, in what once was a postoperative recovery room, biomedical…