Trending: Winter 2024

Winter 2024

“Once you go under the waves, without all of these other fancy tools, you have no clue where you are.”

Jim Bellingham, Bloomberg Distinguished Professor of exploration robotics, on the loss of the Titan submersible

“I got the sense that they don’t want to repeat history.”
Tony Dahbura, Computer Science, on the desire of lawmakers to provide government oversight of AI, as opposed to the free rein afforded to social media platforms over the past 15 years

“These backdoors can be so subtle and clever, and there’s so many ways to do them that you may not even see in the code.”

Matt Green, Computer Science, on how a Chinese firm’s encryption chips got inside the U.S. Navy, NATO, and NAS

“It’s super fascinating to see how nature managed to create structures so perfectly efficient to take in and hold water.”
Jochen Mueller, Civil and Systems, on the feathers of the African sandgrouse, which can hold abundant water

“We can probably learn a thing or two from our West Coast friends.”
Peter DeCarlo, Environmental Health and Engineering, on New York City’s plans to prepare for the impacts of climate change
In Impact