
Winter 2016

“The number 4 million is hard to get your head around. That’s a lot of people whose data has been compromised.”

6/5/15, Fox45 News

Avi Rubin, director of the Johns Hopkins University Information Security Institute, on a major breach of the U.S. government personnel office that put federal workers’ personal information at risk.

“It was a bit of a shocker.”

9/28/15, The Washington Post

Youseph Yazdi, director of the Center for Bioengineering Innovation and Design, describing how he felt when DuPont decided to license and produce the Ebola protective suit developed last fall by the Whiting School and Jhpiego. It is scheduled to be on the market in early 2016.

“The more I saw them, the more I realized they’re quite amazing in terms of their jumps.”

10/22/15, Popular Mechanics

Rajat Mittal, mechanical engineering professor, describing how the spider crickets in his basement inspired him to pursue new research aimed at developing tiny, jumping robots. (Read more p. 30.)

“You can build an island if you do it right. But it is not clear these islands will be permanent unless they can deal with erosion.”

7/6/15, The Washington Post

Tony Dalrymple, the Willard and Lillian Hackerman Professor of Civil Engineering, referring to efforts by the Chinese military to convert coral reefs in the Pacific into islands with harbors and landing strips.