Thrive Peer Mentor Program

Group of students attending a speed networking event.

THRIVE Peer Mentor Program is designed to create systems of support and community to enhance first year doctoral students transition to graduate school. THRIVE mentors provide guidance through scheduled meetings, assist with setting and tracking SMART goals.



2024 Thrive Peer Mentors

  • Savannah Hays, Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Naomi Rankin, Civil and Systems Engineering
  • Brent Ifemembi, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 
  • Kyle Kaeo, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 
  • Miguel Diaz-Lopez, Mechanical Engineering  
  • Manuel Ayala, Mechanical Engineering 
  • Ikechi Ndamati, Electrical and Computer Engineering 
  • Ephrata Zelleke, Electrical and Computer Engineering 
  • Habben Desta, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering  
  • Nelson Ndahiro,  Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 

Passport to Future Technology Leadership

PFTL is a program to enhance skills and create opportunities for doctoral students interested in industry careers who contribute to the diversity and excellence of our community.

WHEN I STARTED GRADUATE SCHOOL, I knew that my long-term career path would always involve entrepreneurship; but while the destination was certain, I did not have a clear path on how to get there. Joining the Passport to Future Technology Leadership (PFTL) allowed me to find a community of graduate students interested in non-academic careers and discover opportunities to strengthen my professional network outside of traditional research settings.

Brent Ifemembi pictured smiling, wearing a blue blazer and white button shirt. Brent Ifemembi Chembe, Phd Candidate

Explore Hopkins

EHOP is designed to provide all students who contribute to the diversity and excellence of our community with an intimate opportunity to learn more about our graduate programs.

EHOP really helped me form meaningful relationships with the faculty… I couldn’t thank you all enough!

E Hop participant Makaya Chilekwa pictured smiling with black coat and brown bag strap. Makaya Chilekwa, 2022 EHOP participant B.S. Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering


An interactive event to exchange ideas and strategies that facilitate engagement, mentoring, and recruitment of all students who contribute to the diversity and excellence of our community into graduate programs.

Faculty Initiatives

Diversity Champions

A screenshot of Diversity Champions gathering virtually.

Diversity Champions helps facilitate cultural transformation around issues of equity and inclusion. As critical thought leaders, diversity champions work with their chairs to advance departmental diversity and inclusion goals.


Project Elevate

A photo of faculty conversing. Project ELEVATE is a roadmap for change that begins with a collaborative partnership among peer institutions – Johns Hopkins University (JHU) Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), New York University (NYU), along with institutional leadership buy-in, equity-minded partners, higher education expertise, and culturally responsive evaluators. 

The collaborative team created development pathways that provide inclusive professional development practices for their entire engineering community, an identity affirming mentorship program for AGEP faculty, and an equity-focused institutional change.  


 These outputs inform institutional leaders who advance equity and AGEP faculty members who are empowered for career advancement. 

IGNITE Culture Lab Grants

The IGNITE fund invites Hopkins Engineering staff, faculty (tenure/tenure track, teaching and research)to propose solution/action-oriented ideas that advance equitable outcomes and support sustainable inclusive practices within key areas/functions of the department.  

Key Areas of Focus  

Education and Development: Projects focused on developing inclusive leadership capabilities, initiatives to provide diversity and inclusion education and skill building workshops to improve the quality of exchanges and interactions.  

Staff Engagement: Proposals to enhance employee engagement through innovative approaches, including mentorship initiatives, improving feedback mechanisms, recognition programs, and team-building activities.  

Academic and Workplace Culture: Projects aimed at creating a culture of inclusion and belonging in lab, classroom, and overall unit/department.  

Equity in Policies and Procedures: Proposals to review and revise departmental policies and practices to ensure fairness, removing barriers to access and success  


Questions? We'd love to hear from you.

Stacey Marks

Diversity Program Manager