Travel and Non-Travel Employee Reimbursement Checklist:
- Are all expenses listed
- Are all receipts listed and show: $ amount, dates, currency, payment method (cash, credit, other)
- Any expense of $75.00 or more must show proof of payment.
- Currency Conversion: if foreign currency
- documentation for conversion rate (source)
- included documentation with calculations
- Mileage:
- destination and departure listed
- if from JHU to Off-site then home – subtract drive home from JHU
- same rule applies to home to Off-site to JHU
- Meals:
- Business purpose must be provided
- Type: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Other, Non-travel Business Meal
- # of persons
- Full name of persons (John Smith)
- Relationship of persons to university including titles (Vice Dean of Faculty Affairs, Employee/Faculty)
- If non-employees attended include other employer and titles (ex: Vice President of Lockheed Martin)
- Are all receipts listed and show: $ amount, dates, currency, payment method (cash, credit, other). Itemized and credit card receipt must be provided.
- Check for unallowable items for example: alcohol, spousal, etc. Highlight any unallowable.
- If alcohol with a business meal is approved, highlight or circle the alcohol
- Lodging –Itemized hotel folio showing proof of payment must be provided
- Unallowable Expenses
- Verify that no unallowable items are included: Alcohol, spousal, business class upgrades, services (laundry at hotel if less than 4 consecutive nights, movie rental, etc). Check with admin staff if unsure about any unallowable purchase.
- Airfare
- Economy class tickets only
- If upgraded using points original and upgraded ticket need to be included
- US Carrier only if on US Federal Grants
- Were any other charges included on the ticket: lounge pass, etc. these are unallowable
- Reasonableness / Business Purpose
- Do the items within the trip seem reasonable and appropriate on a cost basis
- Was a clear business purpose listed for the trip/s
- Acronyms – write out entire name, if referencing more than once, acronym may be used thereafter (American Society of Mechanical Engineers – ASME)
- Reimbursement must be provided to the DMSE admin team as soon as possible. Reimbursements after 90 days will have to be approved by the business office and can only be approved once.
- Reimbursements must be signed and approved by PI prior to submission
- Reimbursement due JHU
- If any personal expenses were JHU Pre-paid, a copy of the reimbursement check and deposit slip should be attached as documentation
The form below is required for reimbursement, please fill out all relevant and required fields and submit the form to the DMSE admin staff once it has been approved and signed by the appropriate PI.
*Information on this page is subject to change at anytime, more information may be requested from the traveler after review of reimbursement submission*