Master of Science and Engineering students looking for training and experience outside the classroom should consider our Masters Cooperative (Co-Op) Education program. In addition to their central academic training, this program places students at a sponsoring industry company for six months where they are assigned to a specified research project. Students are full time, contributing employees with goals, expectations, and development objectives as established by the sponsoring company.
The Institute for Nanobiotechnology (INBT) is partnering with several companies including MedImmune, GlaxoSmithKline, Becton Dickinson, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab, and more, to offer this credited and paid opportunity. Students gain a broad technical background in disciplines such as operations, pilot plants, safety and environmental management, or regulatory affairs. They also gain valuable work experience, network with topic experts, and build technical skills that prepare them for a competitive job market.
This program is available to master’s students in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering departments. The research conducted at the sponsoring industry company is done as an alternative to performing a year of research in an on-campus lab (and the course work only option for the MSE program). Students need to finish at least a semester of coursework before being placed into a sponsoring company (some exceptions apply).
Applicants are interviewed and evaluated by the INBT program committee members and the corporate sponsor for program fit. Accepted students will have two supervisors/mentors during the Co-Op, one from the sponsoring company and one will be a JHU faculty member, which the student must recruit. During the Co-Op period, students will meet with their faculty advisor and the company supervisor every six weeks for progress updates. At the end of the Co-Op internship, the student will present an essay based on their research experience to be approved by their faculty advisor, department, and the industry mentor.
For more information, please visit the INBT website.