When: Sep 21 2022 @ 2:30 PM
Where: Shaffer Hall Room 3

Resolving neuronal activity in space and time is a long-sought capability in neuroscience, which is, however, still hard to achieve using existing technologies. In this talk, I will share with the audience our strategies toward this goal via innovations at the device and molecular levels. In the first part of my talk, I will introduce our efforts in developing ultraflexible neural probes that can seamlessly interface with the brain tissue and chronically record from the same units for months or even longer. Based on this capability, I will further share our new implantation modality that can nonlinearly deploy probes into the brain with minimal surgical lesions. This curved implantation allows conformal coverage of nonlinear brain structures or circuits using microelectrode arrays and therefore enables high-density neural recording along a designated trajectory. I will switch to our molecular approach in the second part of the talk. I will elaborate on our genetically encoded protein “ticker tape” device that can temporarily store activity-dependent immediate early gene (IEG) signals in live neurons, where the history of neural activation events can be written in individual cells for post-termination retrieval. This strategy provides an attainable path toward whole-brain longitudinal mapping of neural activities at the single-neuron level and in as many neurons as desired.