TAGGED Malone Center for Engineering In Healthcare

Safety First: Building a Resilient Future

Of all the remarkable things engineers do for humanity, none may be more important than the ways in which they improve our resiliency, keeping us safe from the many potential harms the world has in store.

Modern Day Miners

There’s treasure in all those tweets and Google searches we send out into cyberspace each day, says Mark Dredze.


Notable quotes and comments from Johns Hopkins Engineering faculty members.

Healing Games

The Kata Therapeutic Table will allow students, faculty members, and staff members to help Johns Hopkins Hospital patients recover from stroke and brain injury.

Bright Light

Suchi Saria, an assistant professor of computer science, has been named one of Popular Science’s Brilliant 10, the magazine’s annual list of the “brightest young minds in science and engineering.”

Lifesaving Algorithms

Suchi Saria and colleagues are developing computer programs that analyze existing medical information to manage patients most at risk, allowing clinicians to take action early to prevent organ failure.