Big Ideas

Spring 2011

The Buzz

Engineering terms in the news.

Fall 2010

Gained in Translation

If you’ve ever used Google Translate, you know that you can instantly get a surprisingly serviceable translation between major languages…

Fall 2010

Lighting the Way Out of Poverty

ALUMNI MAKING NEWS: Peter McPhee, MS ’07 is helping provide impoverished populations, including thousands of displaced Haitians, with renewable energy products that improve safety and quality of life.

Fall 2010


Using Legos, control science, and earthquake simulation, three Whiting School faculty receive the NSF’s prestigious CAREER award–honoring young researchers who show great promise.

Fall 2010

The Shape Autism Takes

RESEARCH: A brain imaging technique developed by Hopkins engineers has revealed subtle but important differences in the brains of autistic children.

Fall 2010

An Attention-Grabbing Finding

RESEARCH: The “cocktail party effect” is the subject of a new 5-year NSF-funded research effort led by Electrical and Computer Engineering’s Mounya Elhilali.

Fall 2010

Research Briefs

Updates on new research initiatives at the Whiting School.

Fall 2010

The Buzz

Engineering terms in the news.