At Hopkins, continuing education for engineers is embodied in the Engineering and Applied Science Programs for Professionals (EPP). Now in its 25th year*, the program has grown by leaps and bounds and the numbers prove it.
Year that classes at the Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) became part of the Whiting School of Engineering and EPP was born: 1983
Master’s programs offered by EPP in 1983: 6
Master’s programs offered by EPP in 2008: 16
Number of students enrolled in master’s pro- grams at EPP in 2008: 1,840
Graduate Certificate programs offered by EPP in 2008: 6
Advanced Certificates in post-master’s study offered by EPP in 2008: 16
Students enrolled in certificate programs at EPP in 2008: 52
Percent of students whose tuition at EPP is paid for by their employers: 80–85
Number of online classes offered by EPP in 2008: 568
Program with highest enrollment in 2008: Computer Science (2,424)
*Through the years, the part-time program within the School of Engineering has changed names several times. What began, in 1983, as The Johns Hopkins University Part-Time Engineering Programs, saw three name changes before being renamed, a fourth time, to the Johns Hopkins Engineering and Applied Science Programs for Professionals in 2005.