Young Faculty Honored

Winter 2007

Last spring, seven young members of the Whiting School’s faculty were honored for their achievements and the promise they demonstrate in research and education.

Assistant professor Joel Bader (Biomedical Engineering); assistant professor Fabian Monrose (Computer Science); assistant professor Sean Sun (Mechanical Engineering); assistant professor Andreas Terzis (Computer Science); and assistant professor Jeff Wang (Mechanical Engineering) all received the highly competitive National Science Foundation’s Faculty Early Career Development award, known as CAREER, which recognizes young scientists’ commitment to both research and education.

Also honored was assistant professor Lian Shen (Civil Engineering) who received a 2006 Office of Naval Research (ONR) Young Investigator Award, given to outstanding new faculty members at institutions of higher education to support their research and encourage their teaching and research careers.

Assistant research professor Adam Stubblefield (Computer Science) was named one of the top technology innovators under age 35 by MIT Technology Review. He was recognized for his work in finding holes in supposedly secure computer systems.