
Lauren Gardner, the Alton and Sandra Cleveland Professor in the Department of Civil and Systems Engineering, gave the opening keynote of the American Society of Civil Engineers Structures Congress 2022 on April 21, 2022.  Structures Congress is the annual conference of the Structural Engineering Institute (SEI) of ASCE and the premier event in structural engineering.

Lauren’s talk, “Tracking COVID-19 in Realtime: Challenges Faced and Lessons Learned” provided an overview of the evolution of the dashboard, discussion of some of the challenges faced, and methods by which disease tracking could be done better in the future. She also discussed of how the data has been used to build outbreak prediction models and improve general understanding of COVID-19 spreading risk.

Her talk built upon the future world vision presented by Dennis D. Truax, ASCE president, in his opening remarks.

SEI is a vibrant community of more than 30,000 structural engineers within the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). SEI involves all facets of the structural engineering community including practicing engineers, students, research scientists, academics, technologists, material suppliers, contractors, and owners. SEI advances our members’ careers, stimulates technological advancement, and improves professional practice.