Recent News
Johns Hopkins engineering faculty is recognized for her role in creating the COVID-19 dashboard which became an essential global resource in tracking and predicting outbreaks
The award will support a team of Hopkins researchers investigating the use of machine learning for real-time injury assessment
Lauren Gardner Wins Merck Prize to Advance Pandemic Tracking with Artificial Intelligence
CategoriesJohns Hopkins engineering professor receives Future Insight Prize for groundbreaking contributions to tracking the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to the development of AI systems capable of detecting and tracking future pandemics
Somnath Ghosh Awarded 2024 J.N. Reddy Medal for Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures
CategoriesThe award acknowledges outstanding scholarly contributions to the field of Integrated Computational Engineering & Sciences, including Mechanics and Materials
James Guest Elected a Fellow of American Society of Civil Engineers' Engineering Mechanics Institute
CategoriesFellows are recognized for their distinguished records of research, service to the institute, and other accomplishments
The award honors faculty members who demonstrate a commitment to and excellence in the Whiting School of Engineering, success in instilling the desire to learn, and dedication to undergraduate students
AISC's Special Achievement Award recognizes Professor Benjamin Schafer for driving impactful changes to standards that govern the use of metal deck diaphragms in steel structures.
Civil and Systems Engineering (CaSE) second-year student Abigail Aranda-Lopez was recently honored with the American Council of Engineering Companies of Maryland (ACEC/MD)’s William R. Kahl Scholarship. Sponsored by local Maryland…