Congratulations on your upcoming graduation! Please familiarize yourself with all the very important information below.

Important Information for Graduating Students

Check your transcripts and ensure that you have taken and passed the following required courses. On occasion, these courses don’t show up on transcripts and if they aren’t showing up, this needs to be corrected with the Registrar’s Office.

AS.360.625 Responsible Conduct of Research (if thesis option) or AS.360.624 (if coursework only)
EN.500.603 Academic Ethics

EN.560.691 and 560.692 Graduate Seminars

You must complete an Application to Graduate. Log in to SIS Self-Service. Under the “Registration” tab, go to “Program of Study Info” and then click the “Graduation Application” link in the far-right column of the academic program. Fill in all required fields and click submit.

The deadline to apply is posted on the Registrar’s website. If you missed the deadline, please contact Elena Shichkova.

Fill out the ETGL Form in order to be added to the department’s Expected to Graduate List. The list will be transmitted to the Registrar’s Office. After you completed the form, you will be provided with the certification form for your review. The list and the certification form will be transmitted to the Registrar’s Office.

The Expected to Graduate List will alert the Registrar’s Office to contact you in time for participation in the spring commencement activities. You will be provided information about purchasing regalia, etc. Please respond to emails from the Registrar’s Office and Graduate Affairs promptly.

WSE Master’s Ceremony information

University-wide Commencement information

Please note that you must discuss any plans to switch to part-time status with your advisor and the Director of Graduate Studies. Students are only eligible to enter part-time status in their fourth and final semester, and must meet additional eligibility requirements. The student is responsible for the cost of tuition while part-time.

International students must also seek approval through the Office of International Services. Please contact the academic program administrator for more information on the process.

  • Before leaving, please stop by Latrobe 201 to say goodbye 🙂
  • Ensure that you have returned all books to the library

All electronic thesis submission fees, binding fees (for thesis-track master’s students) and the cost of renting or purchasing regalia are the responsibility of the graduating student.

If you have additional questions regarding this information and process, please contact Elena Shichkova.