Time Commitment
The DEng program is designed to be completed in three years. To do this, the student’s program is fully integrated into his or her work environment. While this is a non-residential program, it is not part-time. The work the student does toward the degree is of direct importance to the employer’s mission.
DEng students are mentored by a Hopkins engineering professor (i.e., the primary advisor actively engaged in the student’s work) and a co-advisor from the student’s place of employment.
Students are required to come to Baltimore twice a year (January and June) for Johns Hopkins University’s semiannual DEng conferences.
Doctor of Engineering students’ primary mentors are Johns Hopkins University Engineering professors. The students also have co-advisors at their place of employment. The external Co-advisor may not be someone who either reports directly or indirectly to the DEng student. In exceptional cases where the student may be a CEO or Entrepreneur, an external advisor may be someone from another company, or an exception can be made to have all the advisors be from within JHU. Any co-advisor assignments or changes need to be approved by the DEng Oversight Committee.
Doctor of Engineering students’ primary mentors are Johns Hopkins University Engineering professors. The students also have co-advisors at their place of employment. The external Co-advisor may not be someone who either reports directly or indirectly to the DEng student. In exceptional cases where the student may be a CEO or Entrepreneur, an external advisor may be someone from another company, or an exception can be made to have all the advisors be from within JHU. Any co-advisor assignments or changes need to be approved by the DEng Oversight Committee.
Click here for more information about the role and duties of the co-advisor.
To be considered for admission to or participation in the DEng program, an applicant and all sponsoring organizations must agree that the results of the proposed project can be made available to the public, including posting a project summary on the program’s website and presenting the project results in a public setting. All intellectual property created during the course of the program will be subject to the University Intellectual Property Policy.
To learn more, please contact our office.