We have done a few studies, all in collaboration with Prof. David Olinger at WPI, on novel wind energy concepts. Those include studies of floating wind turbines [1,2] and airborne and and underwater kites [3,4].
[1] A. Nematbakhsh, D.J. Olinger and G. Tryggvason. “A Nonlinear Computational Model of Floating Wind Turbines.” ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering 135 (2013), 121103 (13 pages).
[2] A. Nematbakhsh, D. J. Olinger and G. Tryggvason. “Nonlinear simulations of spar buoy floating wind turbine under extreme ocean conditions.” Journal of Renewal and Sustainable Energy. 6 (2014), 033121.
[3] Alireza Mahdavi Nejad and Gretar Tryggvason. Power Generation using Kites in a GroundGen Airborne Wind Energy System: A Numerical Study. Journal of Energy Resources Technology. June 2020, 142 (6): 061306 (6 pages) doi: 10.1115/1.4045700
[4] A. Ghasemi, D. J. Olinger and G. Tryggvason. “A Nonlinear Computational Model of Tethered Underwater Kites for Power Generation.” ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering. 138 (2016) 121491 (10 pages).