Phase change is critical in a number of technologically important area. Our work includes some of the earliest simulations of boiling [2] and dendritic solidification in flow [3,5]. We have also examined film boiling [6,7,8] and solidification of drops at solid surfaces [4,9,10,11].
[1] D. Juric and G. Tryggvason. “A Front Tracking Method for Dendritic Solidification.” J. Comput. Phys. 123 (1996), 127-148.
[2] D. Juric and G. Tryggvason. “Computations of Boiling Flows.” Int’l. J. Multiphase Flow. 24 (1998), 387-410.
[3] N. Al-Rawahi and G. Tryggvason. “Computations of the growth of dendrites in the presence of flow. Part I-Two-dimensional Flow.” J. Comput. Phys. 180, 471-496 (2002).
[4] J. Che, S. L. Ceccio, and G. Tryggvason “Computations of structures formed by the solidification of impinging molten metal drops,” Applied Mathematical Modelling, 28 (2004) 127-144.
[5] N. Al-Rawahi and G. Tryggvason. “Numerical simulation of dendritic solidification with convection: Three-dimensional flow.” Journal of Computational Physics. 194 (2004) 677–696
[6] A. Esmaeeli and G. Tryggvason. “Computations of Film Boiling. Part I: Numerical Method” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 47 (2004), 5451-5461.
[7] A. Esmaeeli and G. Tryggvason. “Computations of Film Boiling. Part II: Multi-mode Film Boiling.” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 47 (2004), 5463-5476.
[8] G. Tryggvason, A. Esmaeeli, and N. Al-Rawahi. “Direct numerical simulations of flows with phase change.” Computers & Structure. 83 (2005) 445–453.
[9] T. V. Vu, G. Tryggvason, S. Homma, J. C. Wells, H. Takakura. “A Front-Tracking Method for Three-Phase Computations of Solidification with Volume Change.” Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan 46 (2013), 726-731.
[10] T. V. Vu, G. Tryggvason, S. Homma, J. Wells, and H. Takakura. “Front Tracking Computation of Trijunction Solidification with Volume Change.” Procedia IUTAM 15 (2015) 14-17.
[11] T. V. Vu, G. Tryggvason, S. Homma, and J. C. Wells. “Numerical Investigations of Drop Solidification on a Cold Plate in the Presence of Volume Change.” International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 76 (2015) 73–85.